Katherine Burik is a partner in The Interview Doctor, Inc.® where she uses her extensive HR experience to coach people preparing for interviews and advise companies interested in improving their job search processes and interviewing skills.

The Interview Doctor sprang from Katherine’s observation, based on her human resource experience and work with recruiters that candidates need to improve their interviewing skills. She coaches candidates looking for jobs, companies interested in improving their HR and talent processes. She speaks frequently to groups about career development and successful job search techniques. Her thoughts about job search appear regularly in The Interview Doctor blog.

In her previous life as Vice President or Director of Human Resources at several businesses in Chicago and Northeast Ohio, Katherine reported to the President and CEO, responsible for the entire array of human resource functions. She continues to reinvent herself to get the most out of life!

Katherine is a member of the Society of Human Resource Managers, the Association for Talent Development, the International Coach Federation, and the Worldwide Association of Business Coaches.

She earned her BA in History from Northwestern University and MS in Industrial Relations from Loyola University of Chicago. She has been certified as a Senior HR Professional by the Society of Human Resource Managers and is certified as a Registered Corporate Coach.